Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Walking Mindfully

The following is from my field notes during Natural Mindfulness Guide Training. 

This evening I practiced walking mindfully while at James Boyce Park. I started by walking slowly feeling the paved path below me, sensing my movement through the environment. I practiced with stepping forward with my left, then slowly bringing my right foot to my left, bringing awareness to the movement of each step. I did this several times on the paved path and the gravel path. On the gravel path I was aware of the moment of silence during the pause before moving my foot again. As I stepped forward I could feel my feet shifting under me. I would quicken my pace and then slow down, noticing the difference in sounds and how it felt in my body. I would practice stepping with intention, connecting with the surface with my heel, following through the step as a rolled to my toes, listening and following the sounds around me and the sounds I was making with each step. My dog was walking with me being patient with my walking pace. I brought my awareness to her walking as well, her pace, her nails on the paved path verses the sound on the gravel path. She would notice the squirrels and start pulling me. As I walked up the hills I brought my awareness to my body and it's position as I shifted my weight to walk up the hill. As I headed to the car I mindfully stepped across the transition from the gravel path back to the paved path. I have walked this path before and walking mindfully made me experience it in a new way.

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