Wednesday, April 6, 2022

This is an example of what it looks like to run/walk three and half miles. It took a while but this will improve with time. As part of my personal focus, I'm starting to run again. It's an important part of my self-care practice, reducing stress, and losing the pandemic weight. I would like to invite you to join me, where ever you may be, just as you are. I will be using two apps on my phone. The first app is called C25K to guide me from "not running" to "running 3.1 miles without stopping", at whatever speed it may be. The second app will be "Mapmyrun" which will log distance, time, calories, etc. You may find similar apps that work best for you. A bonus app would be your favorite motivational music. Each week I will be posting my progress and encourage you to share your progress with me at @upShiftingwithdavidbarron. As with any exercise program please consult with your doctor first. I hope you join me.


Monday, April 4, 2022

2022 Vision Board

I recently attended a workshop and created a vision board for 2022. Throughout the year I want to bring a personal focus to loved ones, friends, travel, reading, meditation, and running. It may seem like a simple list, but a few of these areas lost focus during the pandemic as I'm sure some have for you as well. But that's okay, that's part of the practice of becoming aware and bringing your focus back to what's important for you. With that thought in mind, what is on your vision board, what do you want to bring into focus, what is important to you?

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