Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Intentions vs Expectations

In today's 2 Minute Insight we discuss Intentions vs Expectation. For much of my life I had expectations that left me upset, frustrated, and disappointed when the outcome didn’t happen the way I wanted it to. My thoughts and desires lived in the future and it was always someone else's fault when things didn’t work out. I was so fixed on the outcome I didn’t see anything else outside the world in my head. If I was good, if I was perfect, if everyone just did what they should be doing, everything would work out just the way I imagine. My attachment to the outcome would leave my world crashing down around me. 

Things began to change when I learned to drop my expectations and start setting intentions. By setting an intention I began to focus on the process in the present moment to reach the outcome. I would use daily intentions to check in with myself to make sure my actions and path was heading in the right direction. I remember one intention I had was to bring more joy into my life because I was working a lot of long hours at work. Each morning I would sit at the edge of my bed and set the intention that I would do one thing that day that brought me joy. I didn’t know what that one thing was but I allowed my actions throughout the day to lead me to what it may be. One day I got off work at a normal time and went to a local museum that was having free admission that evening. One day I went running while the sun was still out. Another day I drove to a park for lunch and sat in the grass. It was simple moments but by focusing on the present moment experience I was able to find a greater joy that filled my life in ways that I had not imagined. I also began to take responsibility for my actions and not blame others. There was no reason to be hard on myself as well. I was doing the best I could and I wasn’t attached to the outcome being a certain way or happening at a certain time. I had determination but I kept an open mind to where the path may lead. 

So, the next time there’s an outcome you would like to work towards, I invite you to set an intention and drop the expectation. It could be one of the most rewarding things you do as you walk your path.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year! I wish all of you the best in 2022. To support you in the new year and any goals you may have, we will be exploring setting intentions in the month of January. I invite you to join me in the discussion and subscribe to the channel. 

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