Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Noticing the Small Things

This little guy is called a hummingbird clearwing moth. At first glance I thought I was seeing a tiny hummingbird. I discovered him while hiking at the Latta Nature Preserve in Charlotte, NC. It’s wings are transparent and beat so fast they appear nearly invisible. I believe this one is a male due to its flared tail. It feeds on nectar and has a long tongue that can reach nectar that other insects can not. The species is throughout North America with the Hummingbird Clearwing moth mainly in the East from Missouri to the Great Lakes area to Maine and Newfoundland and south to Florida and Texas. Still, this is a rare sight and my first time ever seeing one. So the next time you are out in nature, take a moment to look around and notice the little things. You may just see the beautiful hummingbird clearwing moth.

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