Friday, August 6, 2021

Welcome to upShifting with David Barron

Hello everyone! I'm excited to share with you the new and redesigned "upShifting with David Barron" website! There are many new features and services that I'm looking forward to bringing you in the next few weeks and months. 

I've been taking some time for myself, learning, growing, and bringing focus to combining my passions of Buddhism, Mindfulness, and Personal Development with the Natural Environment in ways that are insightful and entertaining. 

Meditation and Mindfulness TeacherNatural Mindfulness Guide

I recently completed my certification as a Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher and my certification as a Natural Mindfulness Guide. Both of these classes inspired me in different ways to bring focus and direction to how I wanted to share my passions with you through different mediums. The Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher certification brought knowledge, skills, and credibility to sharing the practice and guiding others. The Natural Mindfulness Guide certification changed my relationship with myself and the natural environment. It allowed me to reconnect with nature, and myself, in a much deeper way than I had before. I learned to explore the natural environment around me, listen to it's teachings and insights, reconnect to my true nature that was always there and guide others on their own path to do the same. One of many unexpected results of the Natural Mindfulness Guide training was that I also learned I really enjoy writing about my experiences and sharing them with others. I found writing and sharing to be a therapeutic process that I look forward to bringing to you as blog posts. 

I'm also excited to be planning a range of events were we may explore the natural environment and our true nature together. I'm working to provide in person events and online events to connect with others outside my area. So, stay tuned for the first event coming soon. 

I don't know where this new path may lead but I would be grateful if you would join me on the journey. 

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